Committees & Teams

Browse our committees & teams below:


Ruling Elders

From left to right: Linda Esposito, Sarah Partridge, Bill Partridge, Barry Guenther, Valerie Graham-McWithey ( Clerk of session) , Pastor Steve Plyer ( Session moderator), Doug Schroth, Dick Falen, Kathy Newton, and Bob Kastroll

Praise Team

Lynn Miller, Mindy Wilson, Nikki Guenther, Rick Fleischer (drums), Claire Brandes, Barry Guenther

Leads us in worship through contemporary and traditional hymns

Children’s Ministry Team

Kathy Newton – Pre-K Sunday School, Laura Falen – Jr. Church, Peggy Petrak – Sunday School K-6th


Coordinates education and oversees discipleship of children and youth. All volunteers have PA child clearances.

C.H.O.P.S – Church Operations

Bob Kastroll, George Petrak, Dick Falen

Handles the financial issues and administrative duties of the church.

Audio / Visual

Mike  Esposito ,  Josh Guenther

Fellowship Team

Carrie Young / Kathy Newton

Cooks dinners for special events, helps with funeral dinners, and helps coordinate events .

Mission Team

George Petrak

The mission team meets once a month and coordinates mission activity for the community and abroad.

Hospitality Team

Peggy Petrak

Welcomes visitors, does outreach, coordinates Meal Trains, hosts the Hospitality Table, and helps people connect to the life of the church.