Author Archives: Laura

Photo Dump – VBS 2024

July 21, 2024

Capital Funds Campaign Update – June 2024

June 26, 2024

The renovation of the Fellowship Hall is now completed! The project was started in March 2024 and has undergone several phases.  First the walls were coated with primer. Next, 30 gallons of paint were used to spray paint the ceiling …

Pastor Steve’s Corner June 2024

May 27, 2024

THE BIBLE I was looking through my home library and spotted one of my books entitled:  “The Bible For Dummies”.  I guess the authors had me in mind when they wrote it.  Actually it was an assigned book for one …

Fellowship Hall Renovations

May 10, 2024

Capital Funds being used to update the Fellowship Hall.

Capital Campaign Update April 2024

April 7, 2024

Bell Capital Funds Update Bell church is currently running a capital funds campaign.  There are two projects  identified for improvement: the roof and basement.  The roof is getting close to 30 years old.  After a recent inspection, it was found …

Pastor Steve’s Corner, February 2024

February 17, 2024

    HEALING I have anointed with oil and prayed for the healing of people with various physical needs. Many indeed did recover and were healed. But many others were not healed. Why are some healed and others not? New …

Heifer News and Updates

February 15, 2024

Heifer News and Updates We are very grateful for those who support the Heifer Fund. Thank you for placing your pennies in the containers at the entrances to the sanctuary, front and back, as well as the one located in …

Bell’s Souper Bowl Scores!

February 6, 2024

The final scores between rival teams AFC (Always Follow Christ) and the NFC ( Never Forget Christ) were revealed during the service on Sunday, Feb. 4th.  It was a touchdown for both teams! The first Sunday of the “playoffs”, NFC …

Bell Souper Bowl 2024

January 9, 2024

Bell Souper Bowl 2024 Kick off for the Bell Souper Bowl is Sunday, January 14. Please sign up to join a team at either door for some fun competition!  The teams are NFC (Never Forget Christ) and AFC ( Always …

Capital Campaign Fund – Coming Jan. 2024

December 22, 2023

Bell Memorial Capital Funds Campaign Bell has a long history of being a church.  It was founded in 1914 as a mission outreach of Slippery Rock Church.  Our building is now over 100 years old. Our church like our homes, …