Bell’s Souper Bowl Scores!

February 6, 2024 | Posted in Events

The final scores between rival teams AFC (Always Follow Christ) and the NFC ( Never Forget Christ) were revealed during the service on Sunday, Feb. 4th.  It was a touchdown for both teams! The first Sunday of the “playoffs”, NFC collected the most cleaning products for the Divine Grace Parish Food Bank. The second week Giant Eagle gift cards for food and gas were collected for Club Hope. NFC collected $180 and AFC collected $280, for a total of $460! Week three the teams collected money for Autumn Marshalls 5 Star Ministry in Haiti. NFC collecting $130 and AFC collecting $230 for a total of $360! A “souper bowl” celebration was held after church on Sunday Feb. 4th to thank all who gave so generously.  The Hospitality Team also distributed their delicious homemade soup orders.

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