
Children and Youth’s Bowling Party 12-10-23

December 22, 2023 | Posted in Events

Bell Memorial teamed with Christ Presbyterian church to treat our children and youth to a bowling/pizza party at Sims Lanes on Sunday, December 10.

Greet & Treat 2023

November 10, 2023 | Posted in Events

Bell Memorial Church hosted it’s annual Greet & Treat for our neighbors in the North Side area on Oct. 31st. Over 300 treats were passed out to a variety of costumed characters!

New Roof September 2023

October 28, 2023 | Posted in Church News

A new roof was put on the church over the offices and library area in September.

Pastor Steve’s Corner October , 2023

October 28, 2023 | Posted in Pastor Steve's Corner

Greetings!  After you’ve perused through the website, I would like you to contemplate a few thoughts. What helps you to be content, at peace and to be fulfilled?  Some of you can answer this right away and with faith. Others …

Watch the new VBS Video!

July 28, 2023 | Posted in Events

Pastor Steve’s Corner 06-15-23

June 16, 2023 | Posted in Pastor Steve's Corner

Greetings to members and visitors to our website. I hope you are enjoying your summer. As you can see we’ve got some good things going on here at Bell. There’s VBS for the kids, Bible study for adults and some …

Showing Appreciation!

June 4, 2023 | Posted in Events

The Hospitality team surprised our dedicated Ellwood City School crossing guards and bus drivers with tokens of appreciation in May, 2023. The Hospitality Team (a subcommittee of the mission team) are looking for opportunities to reach out and recognize different …

Combined Men’s Prayer breakfast at Bell Memorial 4-8-23

April 9, 2023 | Posted in Church News

The Bell Memorial Church men’s prayer group combined with The First Church of God men’s prayer group for breakfast on April 8th at Bell Memorial Church. There was a great time had by all. The breakfast will be combined again …

Easter Sunday 4-9-23

April 9, 2023 | Posted in Church News

Congressional fellowship was enjoyed during the Easter morning breakfast before the church service.

Pastor Steve’s Corner 4-7-2023

April 6, 2023 | Posted in Pastor Steve's Corner

Hello everyone. Here it is Spring already. Nature is hard at work renewing itself and flowers are blooming for our visual pleasure. This was also a good time for the church to renew it’s website to make it more informative …